Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Painted "Granite" Countertops Tutorial

First of all, welcome!! I am so excited to start this blog. I hope to be an inspiration and encouragement to all of my followers! (which at this point, would be zero four!.) :) By the end of today, I told my husband I would like to have 150 followers. Kidding Kidding! Sort of.... I am a wee bit of an over achiever... Anyway, my hope for this blog is that I will be able to teach people that you can look great and have a beautiful home without breaking the bank!

Enter our countertop transformation! We painted them to look like granite, and were THRILLED with how they came out! They are extremely durable, and beautiful, sparkly, shiny, reflective, and the best part... cheap! Total cost $150.00! I got my original idea here.

Here below is the "before"
Let me make a disclaimer and say that I wasn't fully planning on starting a blog and mainly just took a few pictures of the process for our family and close friends to see. However, we just moved back to Idaho and will be doing this technique in our new house (yes we love it that much) and I promise to take better pictures this time! Let's get started with what we have....

 First we painted our Cabinets. (more to come on that later) added hardware, and then primed the countertops with a gray primer. My hubby bought some MDF boards to use as the backsplash and we primed those at the same time.

This is the primer we used. The greatest primer in the world. That I use on everything. No sanding required.

 Here is where I don't have a lot of pictures to show the process.  :( What you want to do after your primer dries is paint your base color coat. (Which in our case was black) After that we used two accent colors, (gold and silver) which we sponge painted on. When you first sponge the silver and the gold over it will look so metallicy. (like above) It is very important that you then sponge back over that with the black paint (base paint), until you get the desired look you want to achieve!

Now you want to go over the sponge look with more of your base color until the (sponging) is much more subdued. Until you get this look:

Once DRY (this might not make sense) but trust me, you can put your glitter on. We used a black glitter for texture and a little silver glitter for sparkle. I love sparkle. If you put glitter on when the paint is wet, some of the glitter will "stand up" and then rise to the surface of the clear coat you put on top. Sprinkle glitter (just a little) once the paint is dry. Then you are ready for THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP.  Please cover your cabinets in newspaper before doing this!

This stuff will blow your mind. Knock your socks off. It is AMAZING. And the key/secret ingredient, and what sets this "system" apart from using one of the granite paint kits you can buy. I read a lot of reviews on those paint kits and a common theme was that through time peoples countertops would get soggy. Because of such a thin clear coat on top. Not this stuff. When it says it is equal to 50 coats of varnish it really is. It is self leveling and awesome. It will put a sheet of glass that is hard as a rock over the top of your countertops and make them as hard as granite! and as purdy.  Follow the instructions on the box (or have your husband follow the instructions) It is imperative that you let the Envirotek cure for 72 hours. (That was the hardest part.) Then you are ready to enjoy your kitchen. Once cured it should look like this! 

****UPDATE**** Please see the Q&A Post on this tutorial here: Painted Countertops Q&A  It will help answer a lot of the questions you may have!

Linked up with Thrifty Decor Chick 

Click here to see some other awesome blog parties I link up with!


  1. Im you second "Follower"!! haha Glad to be here! Your granite counter top job is amazing - and great pics! I look forward to more :)

  2. oh, just realized that I have those same cabinets, and I absolutely HATE that typical orangy brown....ick. So, you've inspired me to do something about mine :)

  3. And Summer, you should totally paint your cabinets! I HIGHLY suggest using that Zinsser Primer. You don't have to sand it is awesome. Thanks for being my 2nd follower!

  4. Well my friend from fb said to take a look soI did...I am amazed. The countertops look beautiful! I would love to try this in browns. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Hello - they turned out gorgeous! Thanks for the shout out on your post and the link to my blog post! So glad that you are thrilled with your result! Enjoy!

  6. Hey Ashleigh! This looks fantastic! Great job on the counters, thank you so much for sharing it with me! Your whole kitchen looks brand new!

  7. I LOVE THIS! We have been planning on doing this in our kitchen, but then I get pregnant and lazy : - )
    Are you for hire? Maybe I can hire to come do mine!

    1. Yes Tiff I am totally for hire :) You let me know!

  8. Nice blog Ash...very professional AND beautiful!

  9. Looking forward to seeing more of your great ideas! ~Tammy

  10. Hi Ashleigh. :) Nice to meet you!
    Found you on Mels blog, my name is Melissa and i am from Australia. One of mels pals. :) Love your blog, so cant wait to see what else you are up too! Love your counter idea!!! they look fab. I wonder if we can get that stuff here in Australia. Would be very interested to find out! :)

  11. Your kitchen looks so beautful! Great job. :-)And welcome to the world of blogging. ;-)

  12. OH my!! That looks amazing! I love this!!!

  13. Great tutorial! I am your newest follower!

  14. Love it! I came from the HoH link party. I really want to do this. Just wondering, what kind of paint did you use? Brand, sheen, etc... Thanks for sharing! Also, our counters are very similar to your before pics, but we have a little metal thing that runs along the back of the counter in the corner of the counter and backsplash. Did you have that? If so, what did you do with it?

  15. Hey Sillito Family! I am going to do a Q&A page to try and answer some of the questions I have been getting to my email! Also, this week (hopefully) we are going to be painting our countertops over here In Idaho where we just moved! I will do a much more in depth tutorial and some better pics! Anyway we used paint from Home Depot! The black was flat, no need to get anything more shiny than that, because the EnviroTex is so glossy! The other two accent colors I will post a picture above. Please send me a pic of your backsplash... then I could tell you! We just had white tiles, I dont think any metal, so let me look at it and I'll advise. :) DO THIS, I promise you will love it!

  16. What an awesome kitchen redo! Love those countertops and that primer is awesome. I'll have to remember it!

  17. wow that is crazy! i can't believe how awesome this turned out. i just moved home to utah from idaho, we lived there for a little bit. thanks so much for linking up to my party, i hope to see you again next week. LOVE your blog!
    {love} lauryn @

  18. Love the counters!! Thanks for all of the tips! Oh, and I am a new follower!

  19. Love the changes and very impressed by what you have done! It says that the Envirotex is pour on and as I have had no experience with resins, can you tell me whether you brushed or rolled the resin onto the sides of your countertops.

    Welcome to blogland. I look forward to following you on your journey.

    1. Hey Sue! You let it run off the sides of your counters. You will have a few drips that dry. You simply file them off once dry.

  20. This looks SO good! Welcome to blogland! I hope you will enjoy your adventure!

    Take care,


  21. Um, wow. They are fabulous! I have Corian and so my husband won't let me touch it BUT would love to do what you have done! Great job! Thanks for sharing at my place!
    One Chatty Chic

  22. You are one brave gal painting your counter tops. Ours are in terrible shape,part of one counter is raised so can't do what you did. What a gorgeous job you did, can't tell it's not real granite. I'm a new follower or should I say I subscribed. Don't have a blog either. Don't know when I'd have time to do a blog, I'm always on here reading the blogs I've subscribed to and it keeps growing.
    I'm going to be thinking now what we can do to make ours liveable. Our counters are rounded like a horse shoe on top of it. EEEEeekkkkk.

  23. Ashleigh, I did my countertops over a year ago and wish I had known about the topcoat you used! I am thinking of stripping my countertops and starting over! BTW what kind of glitter did you use?


  24. Great work transforming your kitchen into a space that you love. It was great seeing the before and after pictures. Keep up the great work with your DIY projects, they're fun!

  25. This looks amazing! Great work!!

  26. Hi! I found you through Grant Life social. The counters are so amazingly beautiful. (And a lot of hard work!) Great job and very inspiring!

  27. Brilliant blog post. You have gained a brand-new fan. Pls keep them coming and I look forward to more of your interesting blog posts. I think it is definitely a good bet. You cannot go wrong with this.

  28. I really like what you have done on your blog wo far... I have been debating beginning one myself, but I am a scaredy-cat...
    anyway - I HATE to be a pesky bother, but I keep coming back and searching and reading through all you kitchen project post comments, and I can't find where you ever revealed the secret of what black, gold, and silver paints you used to create the granite look? if you did say some where - I APOLOGIZE, but I haven't found it.... can you reply back to me, please?
    I really want to try this project, but don't know what kind of paint to get... it looks sparkly and I love SPARKLE!!!
    my e-mail: julieaspear AT gmail DOT com

    I would appreciate the help SO MUCH!!!!!
    also one teensy more question - did you just use regular craft glitter?
    black and a bit of silver, right?

    1. Hi Julie! I emailed you back yesterday, but wanted to let you know I also put answers on the question and answer page. Right here:

  29. Great first post! Best of luck with your blog, you're starting out STRONG!!

  30. I love your counters !.. One question though, how did you do the edge of the counters to make sure that the pour-on high gloss finish didn't drip off?. We are wanting to do our counters, but a bit unsure about the counter edge. Thanks :)

    1. Hey Sandy, That is a very good question, I just put that on the question and answer page! right here:

  31. Love the way your countertops turned out! We recently finished a kitchen remodel and have white cabinets as well. I know I want a dark gray/black for the counters but granite really isn't in the budget. This is such a great option that I think I can talk hubby into trying it. ;p

    1. It was a little tough convincing my husband at first as well ;) Now he loves them so much he recommends them to everybody :) (let your husband read this) Hehe.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  32. The counters came out looking really well! I'll bet you get compliments all the time now! Really updated your kitchen! Great job!

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  35. Great Blog!! That was amazing. your blog is really eye catching and beautiful. thanks for sharing...
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  36. Your kitchen looks awesome! How much resin did you use? 32 oz? According to the product info it only covers 8 sq ft. Thanks for any info. I am definitely looking at doing this to my horrible countertop!

  37. Baking is my hobby but to make a flaky pastry or croissants, you need space and you do not have to worry about motion of your dough. I got my countertop from a provider of Marble Countertops Toronto and I can knead and roll all I can!
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  38. Hi, what is that huge space in front of kitchen sink?

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  39. Renovate the kitchen with the new design countertops. Marble countertops give the kitchen new look and grace.

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  40. I'm in the middle of this project (countertops) and am having a hard time making the granite pattern in the corners (where the counter meets the backsplash). Do you have any words of wisdom in this area? The flat parts of my counters are very believable but the corners look painted. I've tried everything i can think of -- even tearing off pieces of the sponge and mounting them on the end of a pencil to try to get in the tiny corners -- but the paint smears and ends up looking brushed on instead of looking like rock particles. Also would like to know what you used to apply the Envirotek -- brush? roller? or did you just pour it on? I haven't purchased mine yet because I'm not quite at that step so maybe the instructions are on the package, but would like to know what you used. Thanks! Yours are beautiful! If mine turns out okay, I'll send you before and after pix for your blog. :)

  41. Thanks for sharing and keeping me informed about the quartz countertops because I am going to need some soon from Vancouver. Keep up the great posts.

  42. Thanks so much for sharing this! I have been looking into new counter tops edmonton and what they can give me! I know my husband is excited as well! It is fun to see all the different ones around! Thanks again for sharing!

  43. Baking is my hobby but to make a flaky pastry or croissants, you need space and you do not have to worry about motion of your dough. I got my countertop from a provider of Marble Countertops Toronto and I can knead and roll all I can! marble countertops vancouver

  44. Thanks for sharing this! I really enjoyed this blog! Do you know of a good place that does granite counters in Mississauga?

  45. Thanks, you guys that is a great explanation. keep up the good work.
    granite edmonton granite countertops edmonton

  46. What brand/type of paint did you use?

  47. Wow these countertops look great! Did you get the granite in edmonton?

  48. Hey, i am up in edmonton and i am making a house, and i was thinking of what type of counter tops i should have. but i was wandering what you guys had to say, i am open to suggestions thanks for any input!

  49. I really can't believe my eyes! I have been reading blogs about "granite" countertops and yours are hands down the best I have ever seen! Congrats they are absolutely beautiful. You have definitely inspired me.

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  50. Quick Q for you, how many coats of the glass stuff did you put on these counter tops?

  51. Glossy - glossy stuff (sigh)

  52. If they have three kids and they're making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on the countertops every day, they might not want to go with that white granite.
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  53. Thanks for the post, and I first have to say that I love the finished product of the kitchen. And second me and my wife want to get granite countertops in Edmonton for our home. But we're a little hesitant at the moment, because my heard a while ago that traces of radon have been found in granite. And now she's freaked out that she's going to get radiation poisoning.

  54. This is fabulous.Great post!Thank you for sharing.Keep it up!!!
    granite countertops nh

  55. I really like that black color. I need to find out where I can get new granite counters in Mississauga. I'm getting tired of my old wooden looking ones.

  56. Wow! These are completely beautiful. And, you just painted them??? That is so impressive. We were looking to replace our counter tops and we were going to go for granite in Edmonton, but I think we might just try this out. Great idea and post!

  57. What?? These look amazing, seriously! I was going to go look at granite countertops in Vancouver today but this would save us so much money!

  58. I really like the style of this kitchen. I am trying to find some good granite countertops in Vancouver. Any suggestions? Thanks.

  59. These are some really awesome granite kitchen counter tops. Honestly, some of the best I've seen. I'm excited to be getting my new ones soon. :)

  60. rally nice post. granite markers will not like it because it seems more beautiful. really nice work. keep it up

  61. Where exactly are you writing from? I love what you have posted here it is amazing! I love love love it! I am looking to put marble countertops in Vancouver well in my house in Vancouver! Thanks!

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. This looks amazing!! I know that you can find similar kitchen islands in Vancouver and they look amazing!

  64. Wow! These square measure utterly stunning. And, you only painted them??? that's therefore spectacular. we have a tendency to were wanting to switch our counter ace and that we were reaching to select granite in St.Louis, however i feel we would simply do this out. nice plan and post!

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  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Great post! The fact that you means someone is reading and liking it! Congrats!That’s great advice.
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  68. I love what you did with these granite countertops. In Edmonton, my kitchen needs a definite update. I will try this!

  69. Thanks for sharing this! I have been looking into some new granite in Edmonton, but I think I am going to try this instead. he worst that happens is that it doesn't turn out right and I have to go back to my original plan of buying granite.

  70. Countertop paint is one among the most recent and most efficient ways that to quickly and dramatically amendment the planning of the countertops in your room or tub.

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  71. Such a nice post…I liked it. STONERA Systems is now offering best quality Epoxy for Granite and Epoxy for Marble in India, All the best for your future post.

  72. I would love to make granite countertops like this. Thanks for sharing.

  73. Granite countertops are amazing and they make things look so much better. Where is it that you can get granite countertops? I am hoping to find some soon so that I can finish my kitchen soon.

  74. Awesome job, i love how dark it is, i want to get some kitchen counter tops in
    Woodstock GA
    , i just need to get up and do it.

  75. Nice work, can even try Granite Worktops, its good and elegant look.

  76. What an awesome idea! I love the look of granite countertops. In Poulsbo WA, I want to do something similar in my kitchen. Thanks for the advice.

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  78. They look amazing! I would love to see them in real life but from the pictures they look great. I have been wanting to get new counter tops for a while but if I can save money by doing this I'm totally open to the idea. I didn't even know it was an option. Thanks for sharing, I really appreciate it.

  79. This is really pretty cool place I like it because it has everything I want more on this blog soon.

  80. I have always had some kind of attraction to dark coloured Granite worktops as you got one of these. It looks absolutely stunning. Moreover putting white or pale green or red utensils can take it to some other level. You got a beautiful kitchen worktop. I would love to see more of it.

  81. i've always believed high standard work beats cheap prices any day. i really enjoy this is pretty cool thanks for sharing with us granite worktops BRISTOL

  82. I can't believe how great those counter tops look! I love the look of granite but it is so expensive. These really fooled me. Nice work. In your experience, have they been quite durable?

    Norah Chandler|

  83. This is truly amazing. These countertops look almost exactly like real granite ones. I never ceases to amaze me what people come up with now days.
    Cynthia |

  84. My parents just remodeled out entire kitchen, and added a whole new bunch of stuff to it. The cherry on top of it all though, is the granite countertops that they installed. They add a sense of class and style to our kitchen that really ties in the whole kitchen together.

  85. I can't believe you kept that paint job cost under $150! You are pretty good at this decorating your house amazingly thing. Unfortunately I just don't have the time or the real artistic skill like you to make it look nice. I still want granite countertops and I think I might just go ahead and get the real deal. It just adds a lot to it when friends and family are over.

  86. Awesome Post
    Valuable information is here.
    Thanks for sharing with us.

  87. Honestly, I did not know that you could paint granite counter tops. This looks really great! How much time did it take you to do this? I am interested in doing this for my kitchen. Thanks for sharing.

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  90. Beautiful! I'm moving in to a house built in 1972 and the cabinets and countertops leave a LOT to be desired. I've already decided to paint the cabinets but didn't know what to do about the counters, except replace them, and that's expensive. This may just be the answer to the ugly counters I have now. Thank you for the inspiration!

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  92. absolutely beautiful! What color did you paint your walls? Love the color!


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  141. The etching is a another problem with marble countertops. With etching, acidic liquids will remove the shine from the surface.

  142. There are many kitchen countertops material options - natural, manufactured, or designed - for worktops that can be installed as a solid surface or applied to a backing such as a veneer.

  143. Granite, marble, and limestone kitchen countertops are perhaps the most expensive option, but they are the best option for their beauty and practical use.

  144. Marble countertops should be vacuumed on a regular basis to get rid of dust, soil, and other particles that might have built up.

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    Related: How to buy luxury furniture from an online furniture store?
