Saturday, December 1, 2012

My (Cheap) Absolute Beauty Must Haves!

For those of you who know me (in real life), you know that I love anything girly, sparkly, feminine, and I love  beautiful things!

I thought I would do a post for all of you on my absolute favorite beauty products. Some I have been using for years and some more recently. Every single item above can be purchased at your local Walmart, or drug store.

Ok, let's get started!

1. Suave (yes you read that correctly) Keratin Infusions Smoothing Shampoo and Conditioner. 

I would recommend the Smoothing kind only, they have a color care and volume line as well and I really don't think they compare to the smoothing one. Now I know everybody has different hair, but if you have heat damaged/colored hair at all I would really suggest this! This is a pretty bold statement but it is really the truth... THIS IS MY FAVORITE SHAMPOO AND CONDITIONER I HAVE EVER USED. I have used every brand you can imagine Salon brands super fancy included, and yes Suave is my fave. Give it a try. This stuff lives up to it's claims. It has healed my split ends it smooths and I can straighten my hair, or curl it and it manages to still hold curl but be soft and silky as well. I am serious, if you are not addicted to your current Shampoo and Conditioner. Try this!

2. Maybeline BB Cream.

Try this instead of foundation if you want a more natural sheer coverage and a little bit of a glow. There are different brands of BB creams, this one is my personal favorite. They say that it will do all these amazing things, my personal opinion is that it is a tinted moisturizer. I use this during the summer and when I have a tan. It let's freckles etc. show through but makes your skin look more even and natural.

3. Salley Hansen Air Brush Legs.

I have told a lot of friends about this and all of them love this stuff! I use it all year long. During the Fall/Winter if I don't want to wear tights and want my legs bare I use the light glow. It makes your legs look so much nicer. No red splotchy spots, veins etc. It is not a self tanner it just makes your legs looks one color and really nice. I can deal with white legs I just don't want white and red legs. Get me? I use the two other colors if I have a tan at all. Let it dry for a few minutes and this stuff will not rub off on your clothes. 

4. Maybeline Dream Matte Mousse. 

Ok Guys... I don't know what I will do when they stop making this stuff. My mom, my sisters and I all swear by this! I get asked all the time what type of foundation I wear, so do my sisters and my mom. It will give you a flawless finish like no other makeup you have used. I do not recommend the liquid version of this. It's ok but does not work near as well as the mousse. We all wear the same color and that is Nude Light 4. This looks perfect if you have fair skin with olive/yellow undertones. If you have more pink undertones then you might want to try the Ivory or Fair shade. It will give you photoshop face. For real. :)

5. L'Oreal Elnett Hairspray

Best Hairspray. Hands down. This is another thing that lives up to it's name. It will not make your hair crunchy but it hold curl really well. Spray in your hair and then run a brush through your hair will be soft but stay put. It's the best. 

6. L'Oreal Telescopic mascara. 

This stuff does it all. Makes your lashes super long and thickens quite a bit too. That's another question I always get asked. "What mascara do you use?" Well this is it. For years leading up to this I always used Christian Dior. I like this as much. And it doesn't cost near as much. ;) Little warning, it is pretty wet when you first put it on but you will learn how to apply it. 

There you have it. Let me know if you try any of my recommendations. :) 




  1. This was a fun read! I too use the same BB cream and I love it! I can't wait to try the Dream Matte Mousse! L'Oreal is one of my favorite brands and I feel like I can never go wrong with their products. Thanks for the insight :-)

  2. How fun!

    My friend Jane has started Monday Morning Meditation... I'm participating, will you?

  3. Ran out of shampoo this week and am excited to try Suave... and save money!

  4. I just discovered this blog a few weeks ago. On your recommendation I tried the Dream Matte Mousse makeup and the Elnett hairspray. They are both truly awesome products! Thanks so much for the recommendation! I look forward to reading more from you.

  5. The information that you provided was thorough and helpful. I will have to share your article with others

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    فالحجر الطبيعى معروف بمميزاته ومميزات الحجر الهاشمى معرفه بانها الافضل فى الحفاظ على الواجهات الخارجية من التغيرات
    ماهو الحجر الهاشمى
    الحجر الهاشمى نوع من افضل انواع الحجر الطبيعى للواجهات ويستخرج من جبال مصر من اماكن مختلفة ول>الك يوجد انواع حجر هاشمى مختلفة مثل
    حجر هاشمى هيصم وهو افضل خامات الحجر الهاشمى واجوادها ويتميز بسعره المتوسط بين اسعار حجر الواجهات فى مصر
    حجر هاشمى كريمى وهو الحجر المفضل لكثير من اعملاء بسبب لونه المميزويتمتع بسعر اقل من سعر الحجر الهاشمى الهيصم لتوفره فى اسواق الحجر المصرية
    حجر هاشمى ابيض وهو الحجر الاروع لتشطيب واجهات منازل مودرن بافضل لون سعر الحجر الهاشمى الابيض سعر متوسط جداً ويناسب كافة العملاء
    وتوجد انواع الحجر الهاشمى مثل الحجر الهاشمى الراس الحجر الهاشمى سانت كاترين وتعرف بأنها احجار واجهات نادرة ومكلفة فى تشطيب الواجهات الخارجية وفى غالب الامر تستخدم كاحجار ديكور للواجهات فى امور بسيطة
    كيف تحدد اسعار الحجر الهاشمى
    تحدد اسعار الحجر الهاشمى وفق قواعد العمل المعمول بها على اساس
    نوع الحجر الهاشمى
    الحجر المطلوب فرز اول او تانى
    مكان العمل من القاهرة
    ومتوسط اسعار حجر هاشمى مصر لتشطيب الواجهات الخارجية يتراوح بين ال170ج ال220ج كسعر حجر هاشمى توريد وتركيب
